Our 8 guarantees
  1. Price
    We guarantee among the best prices on the philatelic market.
  2. Price-Quality ratio
    Our Price-Quality ratio is always correct and clear.
  3. Quick shipment
    We send out lots within 24 hours since payment has been received.
  4. Satisfied or refund
    There is a 10-days, no questions, satisfied or refund guarantee for all purchases.
  5. Insured shipping
    All shipments are covered by full insurance.
  6. Assortment
    We publish a new catalog with hundreds of new lots every first sunday of each month.
  7. Security and privacy
    Your privacy is our top priority. Your data are safely collected in our firewall protected computers.
  8. Customer Service
    You will receive an answer to all your questions within one working day by our Customer Service team.

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